Shoulder Pain Treatment Doctor in Ahmedabad

Shoulder Pain Physiotherapy Treatment in Ahmedabad

Shoulder pain is a symptom rather then a condition. There are many things that can cause shoulder pain. In younger people pain can b more likely due to an accident or injury.As you age natural wear and tear occurs in the shoulder joint and rotator cuff tendon l. This may become persistently painful overtime.


Treatment of shoulder pain one of the first treatment involves physiotherapy and modifying your activities that make your pain worse. Physiotherapy will aim to fix problems such as stiffness and weakness.It will include retraining the movements or activities related to work ,everyday activities that were aggravating pain so that you can get back to normal.Heat and cold packs may help you provide temporary relief of pain and stiffness.

Best Physiotherapy Doctor for Shoulder Pain

At the Complete Care – best Physiotherapy Center in Ahmedabad, shoulder pain can be treated effectively by our qualified team whether tendonitis, rotator cuff injury, or joint instability is the root cause of the shoulder pain. The patient will given manual therapy to improve mobility, focused exercises to strengthen the shoulder muscles, and heat therapy or ultrasound to reduce discomfort and inflammation. 

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